Monday, March 16, 2009

Introducing ...

Jasmin Ramadhani Mohamed

Jasmin is AOEF's newest scholarship recipient!

Jasmin is 16 years old. Born in 1993, her parents and three siblings moved to Karatu in early 2003. Later that year, both of her parents passed away due to AIDS related complications.

After the death of her parents, Jasmin and two of her siblings were taken in by their aunt. Her third sibling went to live with their grandmother in Moshi. Although her aunt wanted to care for Jasmin and her siblings, economic resources were scarce. Their aunt had six children of her own.

Shortly thereafter, Jasmin and her siblings were referred to Rift Valley Children's Village. Jasmin and her brother Rajabu were too old for RVCV, but their younger sister Fatuma was not and now lives there. That is how AOEF came to know about Jasmin, because I have know Fatuma since she arrived at the Terengire House!

Jasmin, is a very shy and quiet girl. She loves Math and English. She loves to read, and her favorite game to play is a game called ‘Ready’, which is very similar to Monkey in the Middle. Her favorite color is green.

Although Jasmin is a lovely and bright young woman, her primary schooling did not prepare her well enough to attend Secondary School. It is unfortunately so often the case here in Tanzania. Primary school is in Swahili, and English is taught among all of the other subjects. However, Secondary School is purely in English. So if a student has not mastered English by the time they graduate from Primary School then Secondary School becomes futile.

So, as opposed to Secondary School, Jasmin is attending Leguruki Vocational School to study economics. Luckily, vocational training is in Swahili.

AOEF is proud to sponsor Jasmin! Thank you to everyone who has so generously and graciously supported AOEF - despite the doom and gloom of the US economy - You have made this possible for Jasmin!

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