Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Additions to RVCV

Rift Valley Children's Village has completed construction of a new children's home and this week begins the intake process for new children. Four new kids - a sibling group - were picked up on Monday evening and brought to the clinic first thing on Tuesday morning for full physicals.

Introducing ...

This is Eric (9 yrs) ...

Frajah (7 yrs) ...

Elibaraka (5 yrs) ...

and last but not least, little Neema (2 1/2 yrs).

Here is Dr. Mary Ellen Shields (an American pediatrician) and her daughter Emma (a pediatric ICU nurse) who are currently volunteering with Dr. Frank. Perfect timing to help out with these new kids!

Here is Eric - so skinny!

Here is Elibaraka - all smiles and giggles the whole day - he must feel like he has hit the jackpot! He is pictured with Dr. Steve Watson (from Canada) who is currently volunteering with India and was the one to bring the kiddos down to clinic for their check ups!

Here is Farajah getting weighed!

All four kids are very malnourished and a few had funzas, but otherwise they are in good shape. Give them a couple of weeks at RVCV and you won't even recognize them!

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